Thursday, December 26, 2019

Analysis Of The Documentary Welcome On Lagos - 1328 Words

In the documentary series, Welcome to Lagos, gives the audience a chance to observe the daily lives of the people living Makoko. Makoko is a city that was primarily established as a fishing village; eventually people began to form a society that was needed. As Makoko began to develop, it was seen as an informal city that was created in its separation from Lagos. Usually for a city to form, there are certain structures and belief systems that are put into place as organizing principles of society. Wherein, the first part of the film showcases the society of Makoko, as it began to build a small community and eventually expanding into a larger city. The informal city had begun to create formal social relations between individuals who shared a distinctive culture and political institutions within that society. One way to critique the informal city is through the popular culture. The mainstream form of popular culture is opposite to the counterculture of informal cities. The establishment of the Makoko community is embedded within, but outside of, the dominant society. The people of Makoko turned the slums, the undesirable by-products of popular culture (ecological problems from formal city production), into places of opportunities that held economic value and bonding social relations. By looking at the counterculture of Makoko, one can see that the foundations of the informal city develop into an informal, community based government. The community has no set government,Show MoreRelatedAn Assessment of the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Nigerian Society: the Examples of Banking and Communication Industries18990 Words   |  76 PagesLength Research Paper An assessment of the impact of corporate social responsibility on Nigerian society: The examples of banking and communication industries Adeyanju, Olanrewaju David Department of Financial Studies Redeemer’s University, km 46, Lagos Ibadan Expressway Mowe, Ogun State E-mail:, Tel No.: 07037794073 Accepted 30 January, 2012 In the Nigerian society, Corporate Social Responsibilities [CSR] has been a highly cotemporary and contextual issue to all stakeholdersRead MoreOnline Admission Processing System5069 Words   |  21 Pagesmanagement in the University; it will help in planning, decision making and implementation. As an organizational resource, records serve many functions in the operation of an establishment such as a university admission unit. Records represent all documentary materials such as correspondence, forms, reports, drawings, maps, photographs, and appear in various physical forms, e.g., paper, cards, microfilm, tape, CD-ROM, etc., which can be preserved for short or long periods. According to Popoola (2000)Read MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century together—one could add, for example, nationalism and decolonization—they cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate

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